ASTAKA HOLDINGS LIMITED (42S) SGD 0.088   +0.00% +0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 0.00%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20156.81%HKD 0.035 HKD0.035 2015-11-13 2016-01-11 HKD 0.035
- 2015-11-13 - SHARE CONSO OFFER OF 1 FOR 3
2014214.09%HKD 1.1 - 2014-07-21 2014-08-05 CAP REDUCTION HKD 0.67
HKD0.03 2014-03-03 2014-03-18 HKD 0.03 ONE-TIER TAX
HKD1.07 2014-03-03 2014-03-18 HKD 1.07 ONE-TIER TAX
201338.30%HKD 0.197 HKD0.054 2013-11-05 2013-11-20 HKD 0.054 ONE-TIER TAX
HKD0.05 2013-04-22 2013-05-08 HKD 0.05 ONE-TIER TAX
HKD0.0928 2013-02-25 2013-03-12 HKD 0.0928 ONE-TIER TAX
20124.48%HKD 0.023 HKD0.023 2012-11-05 2012-11-20 HKD 0.023 ONE-TIER TAX
201010.32%HKD 0.053 HKD0.053 2010-11-03 2010-11-19 HKD 0.053 ONE-TIER TAX
20094.87%HKD 0.025 HKD0.025 2009-11-04 2009-11-18 HKD 0.025 ONE-TIER TAX


ListedDate: 23 January 2009 on SGX Catalist

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in HKD

Address: 133 Cecil Street, , #14-01 Keck Seng Tower,, Singapore 069535

The Company is a result of a reverse takeover of E2-Capital Holdings Limited by Astaka Padu Limited in November 2015. The Group is a leading integrated property developer based in Johor, Malaysia. The Group's flagship mixed development, One Bukit Senyum, comprises The Astaka, twin towers of service apartments, a five-star hotel, branded residences, service apartments, an entertainment hub, an office tower, and the headquarters of Johor Bahru's City Council, Menara MBJB. The entire property development project has an estimated development value of RM5.4 billion with an allowable gross floor area of 6.3 million square feet.

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