ASIA ENTERPRISES HOLDING LTD (A55) SGD 0.133   +0.00% +0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 7.52%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20247.52%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2024-05-17 2024-06-06 Rate: SGD 0.01 Per Security
20236.02%SGD 0.008 SGD0.008 2023-05-17 2023-06-05 Rate: SGD 0.008 Per Security
20226.02%SGD 0.008 SGD0.008 2022-05-18 2022-06-03 Rate: SGD 0.008 Per Security
20213.76%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2021-05-19 2021-06-04 Rate: SGD 0.005 Per Security
20203.76%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2020-07-22 2020-08-07 Rate: SGD 0.005 Per Security
20193.76%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2019-05-15 2019-05-29 Rate: SGD 0.005 Per Security
20172.26%SGD 0.003 SGD0.003 2017-05-15 2017-05-29 SGD 0.003 ONE-TIER TAX
20163.76%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2016-05-17 2016-05-30 SGD 0.005 ONE-TIER TAX
201511.28%SGD 0.015 SGD0.0025 2015-05-18 2015-05-29 SGD 0.0025 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.0125 2015-05-18 2015-05-29 SGD 0.0125 ONE-TIER TAX
20143.76%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2014-05-09 2014-05-30 SGD 0.005 ONE-TIER TAX
20137.52%SGD 0.01 SGD0.002 2013-05-14 2013-05-30 SGD 0.002 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.008 2013-05-14 2013-05-30 SGD 0.008 ONE-TIER TAX
20127.89%SGD 0.011 SGD0.0105 2012-05-02 2012-05-23 SGD 0.0105 ONE-TIER TAX
201110.53%SGD 0.014 - 2011-06-02 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 4
SGD0.014 2011-05-03 2011-05-23 SGD 0.014 ONE-TIER TAX
20109.02%SGD 0.012 SGD0.012 2010-05-03 2010-05-21 SGD 0.012 ONE-TIER TAX
20098.27%SGD 0.011 SGD0.011 2009-04-30 2009-05-21 SGD 0.011 ONE-TIER TAX
200821.48%SGD 0.029 SGD0.02857 2008-04-29 2008-05-21 SGD 0.02857 ONE-TIER TAX
200716.83%SGD 0.022 SGD0.02239 2007-04-30 2007-05-21 SGD 0.02239 ONE-TIER TAX
200613.34%SGD 0.018 SGD0.01774 2006-05-05 2006-05-26 SGD 0.01774 ONE-TIER TAX


ListedDate: 1 September 2005 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 3 Pioneer Sector Walk , Singapore 627897,

The Company was incorporated on 20 January 2005 in under the name of Asia Enterprises Holding Private Limited and was renamed to Asia Enterprises Holding Limited on 22 July 2005. Since 1973, the Group has developed from a small distributor to become a major Singapore-based steel distributor that supplies a wide range of steel products and provides value-added steel processing services to industrial end-users in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region. The Group also operates its own steel service centre through a joint venture with Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc., which provides value-added steel processing services that complement its core distribution business. Asia Enterprises operates out of three facilities in Singapore - two warehouses and a steel processing plant-cum-warehouse with a combined storage capacity of 45,934 sq m. The Group boasts one of the largest covered warehouse facilities for steel in Singapore. It supplies more than 25 product categories comprising over 1,200 steel products suitable for a wide range of industrial uses. Asia Enterprises serves more than 600 customers involved primarily in shipbuilding and marine related activities, oil and gas, construction as well as the precision metal stamping, manufacturing and engineering/fabrication industries.

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