GLOBAL INVESTMENTS LIMITED (B73) SGD 0.125   +0.00% +0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 6.40%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20253.20%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2025-05-13 2025-06-27 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
20246.40%SGD 0.008 SGD0.004 2024-08-27 2024-10-10 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
SGD0.004 2024-05-09 2024-06-27 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
19700.00%SGD 0 - 1970-01-01 2023-12-13 Rate: SGD 0.105 Per Security
20236.40%SGD 0.008 - 2023-10-30 2023-12-13 Ratio: 25:1
SGD0.004 2023-05-08 2023-06-23 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
SGD0.004 2023-03-02 2023-04-18 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
20223.20%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2022-05-09 2022-06-22 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
20216.40%SGD 0.008 SGD0.004 2021-08-25 2021-10-07 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
SGD0.004 2021-04-27 2021-06-10 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
20207.20%SGD 0.009 SGD0.004 2020-08-25 2020-10-07 SGD 0.004 per security/unit
SGD0.005 2020-06-24 2020-08-05 SGD 0.005 per security/unit
20194.00%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2019-08-23 2019-10-10 SGD 0.005 per security/unit
20176.00%SGD 0.008 SGD0.0075 2017-03-07 2017-04-25 SCRIP SGD 0.0075 ONE-TIER TAX
201612.00%SGD 0.015 SGD0.0075 2016-08-22 2016-10-12 SCRIP DIV SCH SGD 0.0075 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.0075 2016-03-09 2016-04-27 SCRIP DIV SCH SGD 0.0075 ONE-TIER TAX
201512.00%SGD 0.015 SGD0.0075 2015-08-24 2015-10-12 SCRIP DIV SGD 0.0075 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.0075 2015-03-03 2015-04-21 SCRIP DIVIDEND SGD 0.0075 ONE-TIER TAX
201418.00%SGD 0.023 SGD0.0075 2014-08-25 2014-10-10 SCRIP DIV SGD 0.0075 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.015 2014-02-25 2014-04-15 SCRIPDIVSCHEME SGD 0.015 ONE-TIER TAX
20136.00%SGD 0.008 - 2013-06-14 - OFFER OF 2 FOR 5 @ SGD 0.143
SGD0.0075 2013-02-25 2013-04-12 SCRIPDIVSCHEME SGD 0.0075 ONE-TIER TAX
201212.00%SGD 0.015 SGD0.0075 2012-08-29 2012-09-10 SGD 0.0075 TAX EXEMPT
- 2012-03-13 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 2 @ SGD 0.128
SGD0.0075 2012-02-28 2012-03-08 010711 - 311211 SGD 0.0075 TAX EXEMPT
201110.00%SGD 0.013 SGD0.0075 2011-08-31 2011-09-12 010111 - 300611 SGD 0.0075
- 2011-02-23 - OFFER OF 2 FOR 5 @ SGD 0.138
SGD0.005 2011-01-13 2011-01-31 010710 - 311210 SGD 0.005
201012.00%SGD 0.015 SGD0.005 2010-08-25 2010-09-15 010110 - 300610 SGD 0.005
SGD0.01 2010-01-07 2010-02-25 010709-311209 SGD 0.01
200916.00%SGD 0.02 SGD0.006 2009-07-01 2009-08-20 010109-300609 SGD 0.006
SGD0.014 2009-07-01 2009-08-20 010708-311208 SGD 0.014
200841.60%SGD 0.052 SGD0.052 2008-07-01 2008-09-05 SGD 0.052
200789.84%SGD 0.112 SGD0.06 2007-12-31 2008-03-14 SGD 0.06
SGD0.0053 2007-06-15 2007-09-14 201206-311206 SGD 0.0053
SGD0.047 2007-06-15 2007-09-14 010107-300607 SGD 0.047


ListedDate: 20 December 2006 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 250 Tanjong Pagar Road , #09-01 St Andrew's Centre, Singapore 088541

Global Investments Limited (“GIL” or the “Company”) is a mutual fund company incorporated in Bermuda and listed on the Main Board of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”).   The Company’s investment policy is to make investments in a portfolio of assets in different sectors through different means which include but are not limited to direct asset ownership, swaps, debts, warrants, options, convertibles, preference shares, equity, guarantees of assets and performance, securities lending and participating loan agreements provided that it will not make any direct investments in real estate and commodities.   The Company’s strategy is to actively manage and grow its assets with the focus to protect and grow value. It aims to grow its assets and seek investment in assets that will generate steady income and potential appreciation in capital to deliver regular dividends and achieve capital growth.   The board of directors is responsible for the Company’s strategic goals and corporate governance, and making investment and divestment decisions based on recommendation of  Singapore Consortium Investment Management Limited (“SICIM” or the “Manager”). The majority of the Board comprises independent directors.   The Company is managed by SICIM, a Singapore incorporated company which holds a capital markets services licence for fund management issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

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