BENG KUANG MARINE LIMITED (BEZ) SGD 0.215   -2.33% -0.01

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 0.00%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20240.00%SGD 0 - 2024-08-27 - Ratio: 10:3
20150.00%SGD 0 - 2015-08-24 - SHARE CONSOL OFFER OF 1 FOR 4
20120.93%SGD 0.002 SGD0.002 2012-04-26 2012-05-14 SGD 0.002 ONE-TIER TAX
20110.70%SGD 0.002 SGD0.0015 2011-04-27 2011-05-12 SGD 0.0015 ONE-TIER TAX
20102.33%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2010-04-28 2010-05-14 SGD 0.005 ONE-TIER TAX
20092.33%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2009-04-29 2009-05-18 SGD 0.005 ONE-TIER TAX
20083.26%SGD 0.007 SGD0.007 2008-04-25 2008-05-13 SGD 0.007 ONE-TIER TAX
20075.12%SGD 0.011 - 2007-12-04 - STOCK SPLIT OFFER OF 3 FOR 1
SGD0.011 2007-05-02 2007-05-18 SGD 0.011 LESS TAX
20063.49%SGD 0.008 SGD0.0075 2006-05-02 2006-05-17 SGD 0.0075 LESS TAX


ListedDate: 15 October 2004 on SGX Sesdaq 19 December 2007 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 2 Venture Drive, , #14-15 Vision Exchange,, Singapore 608526

The Company was incorporated in Singapore on 8 January 1994 under the name of Beng Kuang Marine Pte Ltd adopted its current name on 30 August 2004. Beng Kuang Marine Limited ("BKM") and its Subsidiaries (the "Group") are principally engaged in the provision of Corrosion Prevention services (comprising blasting and painting works), infrastructure engineering and supply and distribution serving the marine, offshore oil and gas and other industries. BKM provides turnkey engineering services from planning, project management to implementation involving fabrication, corrosion prevention, testing, installation and pre-commissioning of steel work modules and structures mainly for customers in the offshore oil and gas industry. In addition, BKM supplies over 300 types of hardware equipment, tools and other products under the house brand "Master", all of which are similarly used in the marine, offshore oil and gas, construction and other industries.

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