TIONG WOON CORP HOLDING LTD (BQM) SGD 0.595   -0.84% -0.01

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 2.52%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20242.52%SGD 0.015 SGD0.009 2024-11-04 2024-11-20 Rate: SGD 0.009 Per Security
SGD0.006 2024-11-04 2024-11-20 Rate: SGD 0.006 Per Security
20231.68%SGD 0.01 SGD0.004 2023-11-06 2023-11-22 Rate: SGD 0.004 Per Security
SGD0.006 2023-11-06 2023-11-22 Rate: SGD 0.006 Per Security
20220.84%SGD 0.005 SGD0.0035 2022-11-07 2022-11-22 Rate: SGD 0.0035 Per Security
SGD0.0015 2022-11-07 2022-11-22 Rate: SGD 0.0015 Per Security
20210.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.001 2021-11-03 2021-11-22 Rate: SGD 0.001 Per Security
SGD0.003 2021-11-03 2021-11-22 Rate: SGD 0.003 Per Security
20200.50%SGD 0.003 SGD0.003 2020-11-04 2020-11-23 Rate: SGD 0.003 Per Security
20190.34%SGD 0.002 SGD0.002 2019-10-30 2019-11-18 Rate: SGD 0.002 Per Security
20160.34%SGD 0.002 SGD0.002 2016-11-08 2016-11-21 SGD 0.002 ONE-TIER TAX
- 2016-02-23 - SHARE CONSO OFFER OF 1 FOR 2
20150.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2015-11-03 2015-11-25 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20140.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2014-10-29 2014-11-18 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20130.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2013-10-28 2013-11-18 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20120.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2012-10-31 2012-11-16 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
- 2012-02-23 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 4 @ SGD 0.11
20110.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2011-10-27 2011-11-14 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20100.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2010-10-28 2010-11-15 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20090.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2009-10-29 2009-11-16 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20080.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2008-10-30 2008-11-17 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20070.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2007-11-01 2007-11-19 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
20060.50%SGD 0.003 SGD0.003 2006-11-01 2006-11-17 SGD 0.003 ONE-TIER TAX
20050.00%SGD 0 SGD0.03 2005-11-02 2005-11-23 3% ONE-TIER TAX
- 2005-07-11 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 2 @ SGD 0.21
20040.00%SGD 0 SGD0.03 2004-11-01 2004-11-16 3% ONE-TIER TAX
20030.00%SGD 0 SGD0.017 2003-12-04 2003-12-17 1.7% ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.018 2003-12-04 2003-12-17 1.8% LESS TAX
20020.67%SGD 0.004 SGD0.004 2002-06-13 2002-06-27 SGD 0.004 LESS TAX
20010.00%SGD 0 SGD0.027 2001-02-05 2001-02-28 2.7% LESS TAX



ListedDate: 17 September 1999 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: No. 15 Pandan Crescent , Singapore 128470,

The Company was incorporated in Singapore on 21 August 1997 under the name of Tiong Woon Corpn Hldg Pte Ltd. On 23 August 1999, it was converted into a public company and changed to its present name. Founded in 1978 as a partnership to offer crane and transport services to the local construction industry in Singapore, the Group is an integrated specialist in heavy lift, heavy haulage and marine transportation with a total fleet of more than 300 units of heavy lift and haulage equipment including tug boats and barges. It has operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

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