Dividend Yield(TTM) = 0.00%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20237.00%SGD 0.022 CNY0.12 2023-05-02 2023-05-24 Rate: CNY 0.12 Per Security
20207.00%SGD 0.022 CNY0.12 2020-06-24 2020-07-17 Rate: CNY 0.12 Per Security
20160.00%SGD 0 - 2016-05-23 - SHARE CONSOL OFFER OF 1 FOR 10
20112.19%SGD 0.007 SGD0.007 2011-04-28 2011-05-16 SGD 0.007 ONE-TIER TAX


ListedDate: 25 October 2010 on MAINBOARD

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 138 Cecil Street , #12-01A Cecil Court, Singapore 069538

The Company was incorporated in Singapore on 29 October 2009 under the name of Anchun Holdings Pte Ltd. On 9 September 2010, The Company changed its name from Anchun Holdings Pte Ltd to Anchun International Holdings Pte Ltd. On 14 September 2010, the Company were converted into a public limited company and changed its name to Anchun International Holdings Ltd. Anchun International Holdings Ltd is an integrated chemical systems engineering and technology solutions provider to China petrochemical and chemical industries, in particular, manufacturers of ammonia and methanol based products. Based on its core principles of production efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection, its range of integrated chemical systems engineering and technology solutions can be broadly categorised into 3 segments: (i) Chemical systems engineering and technology design services (CET Design Services), (ii) Chemical systems and components (CSC Business), (iii) Oxidative and reductive catalysts The Group’s chemical systems and components are generally used by its customers to produce ammonia and methanol, which are subsequently used as crucial feedstock in its customers’ production systems to produce other downstream products such as urea, compound fertiliser, methanol fuel, formaldehyde, dimethyl ether and explosives.

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