Dividend Yield(TTM) = 0.00%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
19701.25%AUD 0.015 AUD0.007748 1970-01-01 - Rate: AUD 0.007748 Per Security
AUD0.007142 1970-01-01 - Rate: AUD 0.007142 Per Security
20190.97%AUD 0.012 AUD0.00535 2019-09-27 2019-12-13 Rate: AUD 0.00535 Per Security
AUD0.006187 2019-06-27 2019-09-13 Rate: AUD 0.006187 Per Security
20171.23%AUD 0.015 AUD0.014622 2017-03-29 2017-06-16 AUD 0.014622
20163.29%AUD 0.039 AUD0.01466 2016-12-28 2017-03-17 AUD 0.01466
AUD0.021443 2016-09-28 2016-12-16 AUD 0.021443
- 2016-07-11 - SHARE CONSO OFFER OF 1 FOR 10
AUD0.001829 2016-06-28 2016-09-16 AUD 0.001829
AUD0.001333 2016-03-29 2016-06-17 ESTIMATED AUD 0.001333
20150.45%AUD 0.005 AUD0.001472 2015-12-29 2016-03-18 ESTIMATED AUD 0.001472
AUD0.001221 2015-09-28 2015-12-18 ESTIMATED AUD 0.001221
AUD0.000934 2015-06-26 2015-09-18 ESTIMATED AUD 0.000934
AUD0.001791 2015-03-27 2015-06-19 AUD 0.001791
20140.29%AUD 0.003 AUD0.001317 2014-12-29 2015-03-13 AUD 0.001317
AUD0.001088 2014-09-26 2014-12-19 AUD 0.001088
AUD0.000171 2014-06-26 2014-09-19 AUD 0.000171
AUD0.000901 2014-03-27 2014-06-20 AUD 0.000901
20130.13%AUD 0.002 AUD0.00099 2013-12-27 2014-03-21 QUARTERLY AUD 0.00099
AUD0.00051 2013-12-27 2014-03-21 AUD 0.00051
- 2013-04-24 - OFFER OF 11 FOR 20 @ SGD 0.0771
20120.00%AUD 0 - 2012-05-17 - OFFER OF 13 FOR 15 @ SGD 0.044
20087.00%AUD 0.083 AUD0.0086 2008-12-29 2009-01-22 TAX DEFERRED AUD 0.0086
AUD0.0014 2008-12-29 2009-01-22 CAPITAL GAIN AUD 0.0014
SGD0.0029 2008-09-26 2008-12-15 SHORTFALL SGD 0.0029
AUD0.0125 2008-09-26 2008-10-23 TAX DEFERRED AUD 0.0125
AUD0.005 2008-09-26 2008-10-23 INCOME COMP AUD 0.005 LESS TAX
AUD0.01575 2008-06-26 2008-07-24 TAX DEFERRED AUD 0.01575
AUD0.0105 2008-06-26 2008-07-24 INCOME COMP AUD 0.0105 LESS TAX
AUD0.0105 2008-03-27 2008-04-24 INCOME DIST AUD 0.0105 LESS TAX
AUD0.01575 2008-03-27 2008-04-24 INCOME DIST AUD 0.01575
20078.38%AUD 0.1 AUD0.0105 2007-12-27 2008-01-31 INCOME DIST AUD 0.0105 LESS TAX
AUD0.01575 2007-12-27 2008-01-31 TAX DEFERRED AUD 0.01575
AUD0.01575 2007-09-26 2007-10-30 TAX DEF RATE AUD 0.01575
AUD0.0105 2007-09-26 2007-10-30 INCOME RATE AUD 0.0105 LESS TAX
- 2007-09-18 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 3 @ SGD 1.32
AUD0.010688 2007-06-27 2007-07-26 AUD 0.0106875
AUD0.013063 2007-06-27 2007-07-26 AUD 0.0130625 LESS TAX
AUD0.020188 2007-03-28 2007-04-26 AUD 0.0201875
AUD0.003563 2007-03-28 2007-04-26 AUD 0.0035625 LESS TAX


ListedDate: 22 December 2006 on MAINBOARD

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in AUD

Address: Level 4 , 30 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000

MacarthurCook Property Securities Fund is a diversified, listed property fund that invests in a range of listed property trusts, unlisted property trusts and listed property-related companies registered in Australia. It was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange since 17 December 2004, established with the aim of providing investors with a diversified property-based investment offering a stable level of income with the opportunity for long term capital growth. The Fund is managed by MacarthurCook Fund Management Limited, a subsidiary of MacarthurCook Limited, a specialist international real estate investment manager. As at 30 June 2006, the Fund had investments in over 46 funds managed by more than 27 specialist real estate investment managers with more than 1,200 underlying properties under management across office, retail and industrial sectors as well as “non-traditional” sectors like healthcare and childcare. Properties owned by the funds in which the Fund invests are located in Australia, the United States, Europe and New Zealand.

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