CSC HOLDINGS LTD (C06) SGD 0.009   -11.11% 0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 0.00%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20150.00%SGD 0 - 2015-12-01 - 5WTS1RSFOR3SH OFFER OF 1 FOR 3 @ SGD 0.025
201411.11%SGD 0.001 SGD0.001 2014-08-22 2014-09-05 SGD 0.001 ONE-TIER TAX
20136.67%SGD 0.001 SGD0.0006 2013-08-22 2013-09-06 SGD 0.0006 ONE-TIER TAX
201214.44%SGD 0.001 SGD0.0004 2012-11-30 2012-12-14 SGD 0.0004 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.0009 2012-08-23 2012-09-07 SGD 0.0009 ONE-TIER TAX
201120.00%SGD 0.002 SGD0.0008 2011-11-30 2011-12-16 SGD 0.0008 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.001 2011-08-22 2011-09-02 SGD 0.001 ONE-TIER TAX
201088.89%SGD 0.008 SGD0.004 2010-11-30 2010-12-17 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.004 2010-08-20 2010-09-03 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
200963.33%SGD 0.006 SGD0.002 2009-12-07 2009-12-18 ORDINARY SGD 0.002 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.0037 2009-08-13 2009-08-28 SGD 0.0037 ONE-TIER TAX
2008125.56%SGD 0.011 SGD0.0023 2008-12-04 2008-12-19 ORDINARY SGD 0.0023 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.004 2008-08-21 2008-09-05 SGD 0.004 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.005 2008-08-21 2008-09-05 SGD 0.005 ONE-TIER TAX
200731.33%SGD 0.003 SGD0.00282 2007-11-28 2007-12-13 SGD 0.00282 LESS TAX
- 2007-02-27 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 4 @ SGD 0.11
20030.00%SGD 0 - 2003-09-16 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 1 @ SGD 0.02
20000.00%SGD 0 - 2000-03-30 - $75LS75WF1000SH @ SGD 1


ListedDate: 13 April 1998 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 2 Tanjong Penjuru Crescent, #06-02 , Singapore 608968,

The origins of the CSC group can be traced back to 1975 when Ching Soon Engineering was founded to undertake excavation works as well as H-section steel piling works. In 1979, it diversified into reinforced concrete piling works and other general civil engineering works. CSC Holdings Limited was incorporated in 1997 as an investment holding company for the Group, and was subsequently listed on the main board of the Singapore Exchange on 13 April 1998. The CSC Group is a foundation and geotechnical group in the construction industry in Singapore. The Group is also partners to many building and civil engineering contractors in precast construction products and steel fabrication (including welded steel fabric). Sale and leasing of foundation engineering equipment is another new business which the Group has expanded into regional markets.

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