INTRACO LIMITED (I06) SGD 0.39   +0.00% +0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 1.28%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20241.28%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2024-05-02 2024-05-24 Rate: SGD 0.005 Per Security
20110.77%SGD 0.003 SGD0.003 2011-04-28 2011-05-18 SGD 0.003 ONE-TIER TAX
20102.56%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2010-04-27 2010-05-11 SGD 0.01 ONE-TIER TAX
200710.41%SGD 0.041 SGD0.0203 2007-12-07 2007-12-26 SGD 0.0203 NET OF TAX
SGD0.0203 2007-04-26 2007-05-16 SGD 0.0203 NET OF TAX
20020.00%SGD 0 - 2002-06-27 2002-07-09 CASHD $0.50/SH
200128.21%SGD 0.11 SGD0.11 2001-11-09 2001-12-03 SGD 0.11 NET OF TAX
SGD0.04 2001-06-06 2001-06-28 4% LESS TAX
20000.00%SGD 0 SGD0.07 2000-06-12 2000-06-28 7% LESS TAX
19990.00%SGD 0 SGD0.01 1999-06-09 1999-06-28 1% LESS TAX
19980.00%SGD 0 SGD0.03 1998-06-15 1998-06-29 3% LESS TAX
19970.00%SGD 0 SGD0.05 1997-06-09 1997-06-26 5% LESS TAX
19960.00%SGD 0 SGD0.08 1996-06-07 1996-06-26 (SGD) 8 CENTS LESS TAX
19950.00%SGD 0 SGD0.08 1995-05-12 1995-06-01 8 CENTS LESS TAX
19940.00%SGD 0 SGD0.08 1994-05-10 1994-06-01 8 CENTS LESS TAX
19930.00%SGD 0 - 1993-11-01 - OFFER OF 1 FOR 4
SGD0.04 1993-05-10 1993-06-02 4 CENTS LESS TAX
19920.00%SGD 0 SGD0.04 1992-05-11 1992-06-01 4


ListedDate: 18 December 1972 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 60 Albert Street, #07-01 OG Albert Complex , Singapore 189969,

Intraco Limited ("Intraco") was incorporated on 5 November 1968 and was Singapore's trading arm to explore overseas markets and identify new sources of raw materials. It played a vital role in the growth of Singapore as a young nation, which had to rely on an export-oriented industrialisation strategy then. Intraco has been listed on the Singapore Exchange since 18 December 1972, and for three decades from 1974 to 2003 was part of the investment portfolio of Temasek Holdings. Intraco has evolved over the years and today, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in the distribution and/or trading of plastic resins, food and beverage products and wine, provision of mobile radio infrastructure management services and is a leading one-stop provider of passive fire protection products and services in Singapore. Intraco has also diversified into businesses related to digital assets, aiming to offer to listed and unlisted corporates and accredited investors a suite of strategic advisory services and products. Intraco is a leading arranger of tokenised short term commercial papers in Singapore. In September 2022, it offered accredited investors an investment opportunity in a portfolio of Burgundy wines by way of digital wine tokens. Intraco is headquartered in Singapore and has presence in key emerging markets in Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

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