INNOTEK LIMITED (M14) SGD 0.425   +0.00% +0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 4.71%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20244.71%SGD 0.02 SGD0.02 2024-05-08 2024-05-23 Rate: SGD 0.02 Per Security
20234.71%SGD 0.02 SGD0.02 2023-05-09 2023-05-25 Rate: SGD 0.02 Per Security
20224.71%SGD 0.02 SGD0.02 2022-05-11 2022-05-25 Rate: SGD 0.02 Per Security
20214.71%SGD 0.02 SGD0.02 2021-05-07 2021-05-25 Rate: SGD 0.02 Per Security
20203.53%SGD 0.015 SGD0.015 2020-06-15 2020-06-30 Rate: SGD 0.015 Per Security
20193.53%SGD 0.015 SGD0.01 2019-05-07 2019-05-22 Rate: SGD 0.01 Per Security
SGD0.005 2019-05-07 2019-05-22 Rate: SGD 0.005 Per Security
20171.18%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2017-05-04 2017-05-22 SGD 0.005 ONE-TIER TAX
20142.35%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2014-05-06 2014-05-22 SGD 0.01 ONE-TIER TAX
20132.35%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2013-05-07 2013-05-22 SGD 0.01 ONE-TIER TAX
201211.76%SGD 0.05 SGD0.05 2012-05-07 2012-05-22 SGD 0.05 ONE-TIER TAX
201111.76%SGD 0.05 SGD0.05 2011-05-05 2011-05-23 SGD 0.05 ONE-TIER TAX
201011.76%SGD 0.05 SGD0.05 2010-05-04 2010-05-26 SGD 0.05 ONE-TIER TAX
200911.76%SGD 0.05 SGD0.05 2009-05-05 2009-05-26 SGD 0.05 ONE-TIER TAX
200823.53%SGD 0.1 SGD0.1 2008-05-07 2008-05-22 SGD 0.1 ONE-TIER TAX
200723.53%SGD 0.1 SGD0.1 2007-11-23 2007-12-07 SGD 0.1 ONE-TIER TAX
20062.35%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2006-05-03 2006-05-18 SGD 0.01 TAX EXEMPT
20052.35%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2005-05-04 2005-05-24 SGD 0.01 TAX EXEMPT
20042.35%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2004-05-04 2004-05-21 SGD 0.01 TAX EXEMPT
20011.18%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2001-06-07 2001-06-26 SGD 0.005 TAX EXEMPT
20001.18%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 2000-06-30 2000-07-19 SGD 0.005 TAX EXEMPT
19990.00%SGD 0 SGD0.05 1999-09-09 1999-09-30 5% TAX EXEMPT
19981.18%SGD 0.005 SGD0.005 1998-09-03 1998-09-18 SGD 0.005 TAX EXEMPT
SGD0.005 1998-07-10 1998-07-31 (SGD) 0.5 CENTS TAX EXEMPT


ListedDate: 7 January 1998 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 160 Robinson Road , #24-12 SBF Center, Singapore 068914

The Company was incorporated in Singapore on 28 November 1995 under the name of Magnecomp International Pte Ltd and adopted the name Magnecomp International Limited when it was converted to a public limited company on 6 December 1997. The Company was listed on the Mainboard of the SGX on 7 January1998. The principal activity of the Company is that of investment holding. When it was listed in 1998, the Group comprised two operating divisions : (1) Data Storage Component Division, which specialized in Suspension Assemblies and related components for the hard disk drive industry and ; (2) Office Automation and Consumer Electronics Components Division , which specializes in key precision stamped components, sub-assemblies and commercial tooling for both the office automation and consumer electronics industries. In 2005, the company merged its Data Storage Division with Magnecomp Precision Technologies Public Company Limited (“MPT”, formerly known as K.R. Precision Public Company Limited) , a company listed on The Stock Exchange of Thailand, specialized in the manufacture and sale of suspension assemblies. The Office Automation and Consumer Electronics Components Division comprises Mansfield Manufacturing Company Limited (“MSF”) and its group of Companies. In 2007, the Company divested its interests in MPT and following the disposal of MPT, changed its name to InnoTek Limited with effect from 22 November 2007.

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