OSSIA INTERNATIONAL LTD (O08) SGD 0.128   +0.00% +0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 5.47%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20245.47%SGD 0.007 SGD0.007 2024-07-30 2024-08-08 Rate: SGD 0.007 Per Security
202314.06%SGD 0.018 SGD0.018 2023-08-08 2023-08-25 Rate: SGD 0.018 Per Security
20227.03%SGD 0.009 SGD0.009 2022-08-11 2022-08-26 Rate: SGD 0.009 Per Security
20217.81%SGD 0.01 SGD0.01 2021-08-12 2021-08-27 Rate: SGD 0.01 Per Security
20207.03%SGD 0.009 SGD0.009 2020-10-02 2020-10-19 Rate: SGD 0.009 Per Security
20195.23%SGD 0.007 SGD0.005 2019-11-27 2019-12-05 Rate: SGD 0.005 Per Security
SGD0.0017 2019-08-05 2019-08-20 Rate: SGD 0.0017 Per Security
20184.69%SGD 0.006 SGD0.006 2018-12-05 2018-12-17 Rate: SGD 0.006 /sec
20114.69%SGD 0.006 SGD0.006 2011-05-10 2011-05-26 SGD 0.006 ONE-TIER TAX
200991.80%SGD 0.118 SGD0.0085 2009-05-14 2009-05-28 SGD 0.0085 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.109 2009-03-13 2009-03-27 SGD 0.109 ONE-TIER TAX
2008123.83%SGD 0.159 SGD0.0085 2008-05-06 2008-05-30 SGD 0.0085 ONE-TIER TAX
SGD0.15 2008-01-10 2008-01-25 SGD 0.15 ONE-TIER TAX
200710.16%SGD 0.013 SGD0.005 2007-08-24 2007-09-07 SGD 0.005 LESS TAX
SGD0.008 2007-05-04 2007-06-20 SCRIP DIV OPT SGD 0.008 LESS TAX
20065.86%SGD 0.008 SGD0.0075 2006-05-04 2006-06-20 SCRIP DIV OPT SGD 0.0075 LESS TAX
20055.47%SGD 0.007 SGD0.007 2005-05-03 2005-06-17 SCRIP DIV OPT SGD 0.007 LESS TAX
20045.47%SGD 0.007 SGD0.007 2004-05-19 2004-07-05 SCRIP DIV OPT SGD 0.007 LESS TAX
20035.47%SGD 0.007 - 2003-09-11 - 1235.04ITGSH/1K
SGD0.007 2003-06-05 2003-06-20 SGD 0.007 LESS TAX
20020.78%SGD 0.001 SGD0.001 2002-06-03 2002-06-18 SGD 0.001 LESS TAX
20019.38%SGD 0.012 SGD0.012 2001-05-31 2001-06-15 SGD 0.012 LESS TAX
20000.78%SGD 0.001 SGD0.001 2000-07-04 2000-07-26 SGD 0.001 LESS TAX
19990.78%SGD 0.001 SGD0.001 1999-06-30 1999-07-26 SGD 0.001 LESS TAX
19980.00%SGD 0 SGD0.006 1998-06-30 1998-07-24 (SGD) 0.6 CENTS LESS TAX
19970.00%SGD 0 SGD0.006 1997-07-02 1997-07-17 (SGD) 0.6 CENTS LESS TAX



ListedDate: 20 November 1996 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 51 Changi Business Park Central 2 #08-13 , The Signature, Singapore 486066

In 1982, the executive directors with their experience in shoe-designing and shoe-making, started a business partnership, De Classici Shoe Manufacturer. The partnership grew quickly to manufacture private labels for department stores and specialty stores in Singapore as well as the region. In 1990, with the incorporation of Ossia Intl Ltd to take over the existing business of Ossia Trading Co, the footwear, bags and accessories business was extended to include sporting goods and accessories. The Group has facilities in Malaysia, Australia and Taiwan. In 1997, it brought over Millie Co Ltd, a leading footwear retail chain and the Group's major customer in Hong Kong. In 1999, Ossia made a move into the internet business. It incorporated Tobicus Investment Pte Ltd which will act as a holding company to invest in internet companies. Subsequently Ossia and Tobicus transferred their investments to Internet Technology Group Ltd, after which it was listed on the SGX-ST. Today, Ossia has transformed from a footwear manufacturer to a regional distributor and retailer of lifestyle products in footwear, fashion apparel, sporting goods, golf, bags and accessories in Asia Pacific. Through its marketing efforts and distribution, Ossia has secured exclusive distributorship of 30 well-known international brands like Elle Paris, Elle Sports, Elle Active, Elle Petite, Bodymaster, And 1, Prince, Mizuno sports, Spank, Keds, Sperry Top Sider, Bridgestone Golf, Kasco Golf, Bally Golf, PRGR Golf, Sword Golf, Hedgren, Tumi, Columbia, Acegene, Progres, Playboy, Diesel, Levi’s, Kangol, Hush Puppies, Scholl, BCBG, Nina, Vago and Millie’s. Ossia extends its product offerings in six regional markets namely Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, with a distribution network in excess of 2,000 channels/outlets, spanning 90 cities across the Asia Pacific. The Group currently has 44 owned stores, 172 shops-in-shops, and 19 franchise stores in footwear, apparel, bags and golf.

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