WING TAI HOLDINGS LIMITED (W05) SGD 1.18   +0.00% +0.00

Dividend Yield(TTM) = 2.54%

If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me.

Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars
20242.54%SGD 0.03 SGD0.03 2024-10-29 2024-11-15 Rate: SGD 0.03 Per Security
20234.24%SGD 0.05 SGD0.02 2023-10-31 2023-11-16 Rate: SGD 0.02 Per Security
SGD0.03 2023-10-31 2023-11-16 Rate: SGD 0.03 Per Security
20225.08%SGD 0.06 SGD0.03 2022-11-03 2022-11-18 Rate: SGD 0.03 Per Security
SGD0.03 2022-11-03 2022-11-18 Rate: SGD 0.03 Per Security
20214.24%SGD 0.05 SGD0.03 2021-11-03 2021-11-19 Rate: SGD 0.03 Per Security
SGD0.02 2021-11-03 2021-11-19 Rate: SGD 0.02 Per Security
20202.54%SGD 0.03 SGD0.03 2020-11-04 2020-11-19 Rate: SGD 0.03 Per Security
20194.24%SGD 0.05 SGD0.03 2019-11-05 2019-11-21 Rate: SGD 0.03 Per Security
SGD0.02 2019-11-05 2019-11-21 Rate: SGD 0.02 Per Security


ListedDate: 21 February 1989 on SGX Mainboard

The share price is in SGD. The dividends are paid in SGD

Address: 3 Killiney Road , #10-01 Winsland House I, Singapore 239519

Wing Tai Holdings Limited is a public listed company in Singapore with a market cap of approximately S$1.6 billion, and asset value exceeding S$4 billion. Its principal activity is that of an investment holding company focused on key markets in the Asia Pacific, with core businesses in property investment and development, and lifestyle retail. The Wing Tai Asia network of companies include Wing Tai Holdings Limited, Wing Tai Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Wing Tai Properties Limited and their subsidiaries in Singapore, Australia and China, as well as in Malaysia and Hong Kong.

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